Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
Primum Non Nocere ~ First of all, to do no harm
Vis Medicatrix Naturae ~ To act in cooperation with the healing Power of Nature
Tolle Causam ~ To address the fundamental causes of disease
Tolle Totum ~ To heal the whole person through individualized treatment
Docere ~ To teach the principles of healthy living and preventative medicine
Vis Medicatrix Naturae – the healing power of nature
The Naturopathic Therapeutic Order
1. Re-establish the foundation for health
Identify & address the root causes of health, whether lifestyle, environmental, genetic, spiritual, emotional, mental, or physical factors. Remove obstacles to cure & replace them with obstacles to disease.
2. Stimulate the healing power of nature
Implement naturopathic modalities, including food as medicine, botanical medicine, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, Bach flower essences, to provide the whole body with the time & space to heal itself.
3. Support weakened or damaged systems
Use the modalities listed above to strengthen the immune system, ¯ toxicity, normalize inflammatory function, optimize metabolic function, balance regulatory systems, enhance regeneration, & harmonize life forces.
4. Correct structural integrity
Use therapeutic exercise, naturopathic spinal manipulation, massage, somatic re-education, cranial-sacral therapy, & other physical medicine modalities to recreate optimal structural condition.
5. Prescribe specific natural substances for pathology
To promote health, prescribe foods, botanicals, nutritional supplements before prescribing pharmaceuticals if possible.
6. Prescribe pharmacological substances for pathology
Use pharmaceutical drugs to return to health when required
7. Use surgery, suppressive drugs, radiation, & chemo
Use invasive therapies to attempt to suppress symptoms and maintain health.
Dr Adam Sandford uses these core philosophical tenants in every step taken with patients.